The music ministry encompasses all choirs and musicians, who use their voices and instruments to celebrate and glorify God. We currently have 3 choirs – Praise Team, CCI Gospel Ensemble and the 4Cs ( Christ Church Children’s Choir).

 Praise & Worship Team: leads the Church into worship through song each Sunday morning.

 CCI Gospel Ensemble: began with the initial service on the first Sunday in March, 1999. God has continued to extend his favor upon this group. CCI Gospel Ensemble does not consider singing as a duty, but as their ministry unto the Lord. They sing unto the glory of God with joy and thanksgiving.  CCI accompanies the Pastor to outgoing engagements. This Ensemble leads in music that uplifts our spirit and exhorts us to praise God.

The 4Cs (Christ Church’s Children’s Choir): our youngest group of singers, ranging in age from 1 to 13, who glorify God with their voices through song. This group encourages and allows children to worship God and express themselves as young worshippers

Musicians: we currently have a Pianist/Keyboardist, Drummer and Bass Guitarist, all of who play to the honor and glory of God.